《民间故事》folklore 为美国创作歌手泰勒·斯威夫特发行的第八张录音室专辑,灵感源于 2019 冠状病毒病疫情大爆发期间,斯威夫特响应居家隔离时,构思并创作制作完成。《民间故事》是由钢琴和吉他铺成的独立民谣、另类摇滚、电子民谣和室内流行专辑。
泰勒絲 folklore 专辑简介
又名: 民间故事 / 民俗志 / 民间传说 / 霉丽传说
「Taylor Swift 《folklore》 (2020) 17首 flac [24bit]:https://0xo.net/70」
表演者: Taylor Swift
流派: 民谣
专辑类型: 专辑
介质: CD
发行时间: 2020-07-23
出版者: Republic Records
唱片数: 1
《民间故事》发行后打破了全球音乐串流的几项记录,包括在 Spotify 上成为了单日播放量最高的女歌手专辑,一共为 8060 万次。《民间故事》在美国发行首周的销售量超过 846000 张,发行首周也在美国的《公告牌》二百强专辑榜登上第一名,这是斯威夫特第七张冠军专辑,也是斯威夫特连续第七次成为该榜单上的第一名,让她成为历史上第一位有连续七张专辑在发行首周获得冠军的女歌手,这张专辑也在此榜单的冠军 8 周,成为在 2020 年的《公告牌》专辑榜冠军最久的专辑,斯威夫特也因此成为此榜单有史以来最多冠军周的女歌手,总共有 48 周冠军。这张专辑也在英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、比利时、爱尔兰、新西兰等国的音乐专辑榜单获得冠军。整张专辑 16 首歌皆进入《公告牌》百强单曲榜,并且有三首歌在前 10 。《羊毛衫》是斯威夫特第六首冠军单曲,也让她成为首位歌手同时在《公告牌》的专辑榜及单曲榜获得冠军;《唯一》获得第四名及《流放》获得第六名。
简介 · · · · · ·
The album was conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aaron Dessner of The National was isolating and quarantining with his family, when Swift had approached him in late April to write some songs remotely together. 11 songs were written with Dessner over the next few months, while the others were written with Jack Antonoff, William Bowery and Bon Iver. "I thought it would take a while for song ideas to come and I had no expectations as far as what we could accomplish remotely," Dessner wrote in his tweet, "But a few hours after sharing music, my phone lit up with a voice memo from Taylor of a fully written song -- the momentum never really stopped."
「Taylor Swift 《folklore》 (2020) 17首 flac [24bit]:https://0xo.net/70」The album's release was announced by Swift on her social media accounts hours before its midnight, July 24, 2020, launch. It follows her seventh studio albumLover, released almost a year prior. The album has eight deluxe CDs and vinyls that are only available for a week for the physical copies, all of which have different covers and photos.
An accompanying music videofor the lead single "Cardigan" will be released along with the album.
于 2020 年 7 月 24 日透过 Republic 唱片发行。专辑定于斯威夫特上一张录音室专辑《恋人》的 11 个月后发行,灵感源于 2019 冠状病毒病疫情大爆发期间,斯威夫特响应居家隔离时,构思并创作制作完成,由斯威夫特、杰克·安东诺夫及亚伦·戴斯纳担任专辑制作人。《民间故事》仅于发行前一日才被斯威夫特透过社群媒体公布,与她以前发行的主流流行乐专辑不同,《民间故事》是由钢琴和吉他铺成的独立民谣、另类摇滚、电子民谣和室内流行专辑。歌词方面,专辑的歌曲结合了生动的讲故事及第三人称叙事。
「Taylor Swift 《folklore》 (2020) 17首 flac [24bit]:https://0xo.net/70」Taylor Swift《folklore》完整曲目
1.The 1
3.The Last Great American Dynasty
4.Exile (featuring Bon Iver)
5.My Tears Ricochet
9.This Is Me Trying
10.Illicit Affairs
11.Invisible String
12.Mad Woman
17.The Lakes(豪华版加曲)
Taylor Swift《folklore》(2020) 17 首 flac [24bit] 下载
其中 17.The Lakes(豪华版加曲)为 [16bit]
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