近日,为全面提升用户服务器访问的安全性与便捷性,ClawCloud 正式推出 SSH 密钥管理功能。通过图形化界面,您可一键生成、快速添加并灵活管理 SSH 密钥对,实现更安全高效的服务器登录验证方式,告别传统密码登录潜在风险!
相较于密码认证,SSH 密钥采用非对称加密技术,可有效抵御暴力破解与中间人攻击,为您的服务器构筑第一道安全防线。通过公钥部署与私钥本地保存的机制,既能保障远程连接的极简操作,又能确保密钥权限的绝对掌控!
「ClawCloud VPS上线SSH密钥功能:https://0xo.net/1951」
下面是官方公告 ClawCloud-launches-SSH-Key-feature 英文版原文:
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
To comprehensively enhance the security and convenience of user server access, ClawCloud officially introduces SSH key management functionality. Through a graphical interface, you can generate, quickly add, and flexibly manage SSH key pairs with one click, achieving a more secure and efficient server login verification method, eliminating the potential risks of traditional password login.
「ClawCloud VPS上线SSH密钥功能:https://0xo.net/1951」Compared to password authentication, SSH keys employ asymmetric encryption technology, effectively resisting brute force cracking and man-in-the-middle attacks, building the first line of security defense for your server. With a mechanism of public key deployment and private key local storage, it ensures both the simplicity of remote connection operations and the absolute control of key permissions.
进入 Product Details(产品详情)处即可看到新增的 ssh 密钥管理功能:
「ClawCloud VPS上线SSH密钥功能:https://0xo.net/1951」可以按需新增或导入已有密钥,绑定、解绑密钥密匙对到 VPS 实例。
「ClawCloud VPS上线SSH密钥功能:https://0xo.net/1951」任何服务、机场均有跑路风险,大小机场也没有绝对好坏,请注意甄别防范!!备用节点参考:大哥云官网、万城专线官网、飞机云官网、搬瓦工JMS、极客云官网……解压及网盘密码 1024