今天下班时收到 OneKey Card 邮件通知:🚫 香港卡将停止服务!受银行新政策影响,香港 PJSC 卡(卡段 414631)和香港 HSBC 卡(卡段 493728)将停止新开卡,现有已激活卡片也将删除!
对于已激活 PJSC 或 HSBC 卡 OneKey Card 用户影响如下:
「OneKey Card香港PJSC和HSBC卡将停止服务:https://0xo.net/613」- 自 2023 年 8 月 21 日起,这些卡将从 OneKey Card 账户中移除。
- 资金安全性:这些被删除的卡片余额连同 1 美元开卡费都将自动转入账户「钱包」。
- 退款机制:如果已删除的卡有未到账退款,OneKey Card 系统将定时监控并自动将退款转入账户钱包。
与此同时,OneKey Card 推出了一张新 Mastercard(美国)卡片,目前卡段为 55615,应用场景与现有美国 Visa 卡类似,亲测可以绑定到支付宝,微信目前无法绑定国际卡。
OneKey Card 目前公测中,认证需要填写 OneKey Card 邀请码:TQOWOR 。
以下是 OneKey Card 邮件通知原文:
「OneKey Card香港PJSC和HSBC卡将停止服务:https://0xo.net/613」Dear OneKey Card User,
We highly value transparency and wish to inform you about upcoming changes to our card offerings.
🚫 Discontinuation of Hong Kong Cards
「OneKey Card香港PJSC和HSBC卡将停止服务:https://0xo.net/613」Due to new banking policies, the PJSC Card (HK, bin 414631) and HSBC Card (HK, bin 493728) will no longer be available for new activations.
⚙️ Impact on Current Users
- For users who have activated the PJSC or HSBC card: Starting from August 21, 2023, these cards will be removed from your account.
- Fund Safety: Rest assured, any balance on these cards will be automatically transferred to your wallet. Additionally, the initial $1 card activation fee will be refunded to your wallet.
- Refund Mechanism: Should there be any pending refunds on the removed cards, our system will periodically monitor and automatically transfer any incoming refunds to your wallet.
🌟 Introducing a New Card
「OneKey Card香港PJSC和HSBC卡将停止服务:https://0xo.net/613」We’re rolling out a new Mastercard (US). Its usage scenarios are similar to our existing US Visa card, but we're still exploring its full potential.
Our team remains committed to refining and enhancing the OneKey Card experience. We are continuously exploring new options to provide you with the best card choices.
OneKey Card 目前公测中,认证需要填写 OneKey Card 邀请码:TQOWOR 。
更多 OneKey Card 评价教程、参考资料:
- 微信再次允许中国大陆身份实名用户绑定OneKey等外卡
- OneKey Card 有月租费用吗?
- 重要通知:OneKey Card 已停止 TRON 网络的 USDC 提现和充值服务
- [已关闭]Poko银行卡 免KYC实名 0月费 USDT存款4%利息
- 重要通知:OneKey Card 将更换卡片服务商
- 抽奖赠送OneKey Mini硬件钱包
- OneKey Card 将停止中国大陆等地区新用户注册申请
- OneKey Card 正式上线美国优选卡
- OneKey Card 开通 ChatGPT Plus 被拒绝怎么办?
任何服务、机场均有跑路风险,大小机场也没有绝对好坏,请注意甄别防范!!备用节点参考:大哥云官网、万城专线官网、飞机云官网、搬瓦工JMS、极客云官网……解压及网盘密码 1024