MJJ 论坛看到消息,知名种子磁力资源分享站点 RARBG 关闭了。打开官网看了一下,真的关闭了~少了个找电影的好地方。 RARBG 是一个成立于 2008 年的网站,它提供 BT 种子文件和磁力链接,使用 BitTorrent 协议实现文件共享。
免责声明:所有内容均转载自网络或是使用经验,仅供参考,解压及网盘密码 1024
RARBG 关闭了!!!
「RARBG 关闭了 & 所有磁力链接资源备份:https://0xo.net/542」Hello guys,
We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site.
The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications,
others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all.
Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES.
Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard.
Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare.
Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket.
After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it.
We are sorry :(
RARBG 所有磁力链接资源备份
RARBG 近日关闭网站,最近有用户使用 Python 脚本爬取网址备份了 RARBG 目前所有电影剧集磁力链接资源,内容包含磁力链接以及资源名字,备份存档目前存放在 GitHub 上有需要可以备份一下。
「RARBG 关闭了 & 所有磁力链接资源备份:https://0xo.net/542」RARBG 磁力链接备份 GitHub 地址:https://github.com/2004content/rarbg(网盘备份下载)
「RARBG 关闭了 & 所有磁力链接资源备份:https://0xo.net/542」任何服务均有跑路风险,请注意甄别防范!!备用节点参考:大哥云、万城v-city、飞机云、搬瓦工JMS、极客云……解压及网盘密码 1024
本文已于 2023-06-05 修改更新,您的宝贵建议请在文章下方评论区留言反馈,谢谢。