
重要通知:OneKey Card 将更换卡片服务商

今天收到 OneKey Card 通知,即将更换新的卡片服务商,新的卡片消费限额更高,有效期延长至 3 年。

重要通知:OneKey Card 将更换卡片服务商 - 第1张图片

「重要通知:OneKey Card 将更换卡片服务商:https://0xo.net/815」

今天 OneKey Card 发布重要通知:OneKey Card 服务更新及旧卡处理公告(Important: OneKey Card Service Update and Notice on Handling Previously Activated Cards)


Important: OneKey Card Service Update and Notice on Handling Previously Activated Cards

「重要通知:OneKey Card 将更换卡片服务商:https://0xo.net/815」

Dear OneKey Card User,

To provide you with better service, we have partnered with a new service provider and updated our cards. Here are the details:

New Card Benefits

「重要通知:OneKey Card 将更换卡片服务商:https://0xo.net/815」
  • Higher spending limit
  • Validity extended from 2 years to 3 years

Deactivation of Old Cards and Balance Transfer

All cards created before May 27, 2024, will be deactivated on June 5, 2024. Balances from old cards will be automatically transferred to your Card wallet account on June 5, 2024, at 08:00 UTC.

Please cancel any subscription services linked to your old card before this date to avoid disruptions.

「重要通知:OneKey Card 将更换卡片服务商:https://0xo.net/815」

Compensation for Deactivatived Cards

  • Cards with successful transactions in the last 3 months will be automatically replaced with a new card.
  • Cards without transactions in the last 3 months but with a balance will get one new card for free.
  • Customers not meeting these conditions will not receive compensation.

Eligible customers will automatically receive the new card by June 4, 2024, at 08:00 UTC. No action is needed from you. New cards will start with a zero balance, so you will need to transfer funds to the new card.

重要通知:OneKey Card 服务更新及旧卡处理公告

尊敬的 OneKey Card 用户:



  • Card 具有更高的消费限额;
  • Card 有效期从 2 年延长至 3 年。


所有在 2024 年 5 月 27 日之前创建的卡片将于 2024 年 6 月 5 日失效,旧卡中的所有余额将于 2024 年 6 月 5 日 UTC 08:00 自动转移至 Card 钱包账户。



  • 近 3 个月有成功消费记录的卡片,会自动更换为新卡;
  • 近 3 个月未有成功消费记录的卡片,但卡内仍有余额的,将免费获得 1 张新卡;
  • 不满足上述条件的客户,无补贴。

符合补贴条件的客户会在 2024 年 6 月 4 日 UTC 08:00 前自动获得新卡,您无需做任何操作。请注意,新开卡默认为 0 余额,需要将账户内的资金转入新卡。




