

KiCad 团队已经注意到一个未知的行为者通过 Google 广告指向官方 kicad.org 网站的克隆。当单击首页上「下载」按钮时,该站点会向 Windows 提供未知的有效负载。

KiCad官方发布恶意网站警告 - 第1张图片


不幸的是,由于这次攻击的性质,KiCad 团队可采取的措施有限。建议用户在互联网上保持警惕。特别是最好永远不要点击 Google 搜索结果中的赞助链接,因为 KiCad 团队不花钱进行广告宣传。

KiCad 官网仍然是 kicad.org,所有 Windows 下载都通过了使用 EV 证书进行代码签名的验证。

在 Windows 系统验证下载的 KiCad 文件指南:https://www.kicad.org/help/windows-download-verification/




Malicious Site Warning


Written by The KiCad Development Team

Published 2023-11-28

The KiCad team has become aware of an unknown actor running Google Ads pointing to a clone of the official kicad.org site. This site serves an unknown payload targeting Windows when the Download button on the front page is clicked.


Unforunately, due to the nature of this attack, the options for action by the KiCad team remain limited.

We advise users to remain diligent on the internet. In particular it is best to never click Sponsored Links in Google Search results as the KiCad team does not spend money on advertising.

KiCad continues to operate from kicad.org and all Windows downloads remain codesigned with our EV Certificate for verification.

We have a guide for verifying downloads on Windows here

Which should be used with the listed verification signatures here

KiCad 官网:https://www.kicad.org,是一款用于印刷电路板设计的自由软件,最初由法国人 Jean-Pierre Charras 于 1992 年推出,现由 KiCad 开发者团队维护。KiCad 目前支持英语、法语、德语、意大利语、中文、日语等 23 个语言版本。

KiCad Windows 所有稳定版本官方下载地址:Windows All Stable Releases
